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Teijin to show innovative polyester products at OR (Teijin Fibers Limited)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-02 09:13:47  来源:Teijin Fibers Limited 收藏
Teijin Fibers Limited, the core company of the Teijin Group's polyester fibers business, announced that it will showcase high-comfort, high-performance polyester products at the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2012, which will be held at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, U.S.A. from August 2 to 5.

The Teijin Fibers booth will feature products that respond to increasing demands for clothing that functions as both high-performance sportswear and comfortable daily-use, multipurpose wear. All materials are environmentally friendly items that can be recycled with Teijin Fibers' ECO CIRCLE, the world's first closed-loop recycling system for turning used polyester into new fibers that offer the purity and quality of petroleum-derived fibers.

Anti-sweat Comfort – Type CR This new polyester fabric, designed for all-season sports and casual wear, offers total comfort during perspiration through enhanced absorption, quick drying and prevention of both chill and stickiness. It has a three-layer structure consisting of an inner, fully hydrophobic layer of moisture-repellant polyester fibers, a middle moisture-absorption layer and an outer moisture-diffusion layer.

Odor-Control – Type EP Mildly acidic healthy skin can gain alkalinity due to sweating (summer) or drying (winter). If either condition is prolonged, odors or stains can be produced by bacteria. Teijin Fibers' modified polyester polymer achieves an intrinsically hydrophobic (neutral) state for localized hydrophilic properties and mild acidity on the fiber's surface. As a result, the fabric maintains its mildly acidic pH level even when the wearer is perspiring. This highly durable fabric satisfies needs for value-added clothing offering properties such as gentleness to skin, odor prevention and resistance to bacteria and stains.

Comfort Knit – Type DL This knitted polyester fabric from Teijin Fibers offers a combination of softness, durability and snag resistance, plus a number of useful functions such as stretching, ultraviolet protection and anti-transparency. It also has outstanding wind-blocking properties due to its dense, flat-knit surface.

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文章关键词: Teijin  innovative polyester 


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