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Teijin to exhibit new cushioning products at Intertextile (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-29 08:55:30  来源:Teijin Fibers Limited 收藏
Teijin Fibers Limited and N.I. Teijin Shoji Co., Ltd., which respectively handle polyester fibers and products converting for the Teijin Group, announced their participation in Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, Asia’s largest home textile trade fair, which will take place at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre in Shanghai from August 28 to 30.

The Teijin booth (stand W2F11) will present examples of enhanced living through high-performance, environmentally friendly materials for mattresses and indoor/outdoor cushions for sofas and pillows. These include elk, a urethane-alternative polyester cushioning material, and V-Lap, a vertically lapped nonwoven fabric. Both are made with ECOPET, a Teijin Fibers polyester fiber made from recycled PET bottles.

The product elk is lightweight, durable, cushiony, breathable and does not yellow easily, making it an excellent substitute for urethane in a range of cushioning applications. It also is environmentally friendly because it does not generate cyanogen gas when incinerated. V-Lap is voluminous yet lightweight, highly breathable, highly malleable and easy to mold, making it a superior material for cushioning applications.

The two Teijin companies also will exhibit high-performance polyester filling materials that offer various competitive features, including tick-proof, antibacterial, antibromic, sweat-absorbent and heat-retentive properties.

Teijin is a technology-driven global group offering advanced solutions in the areas of sustainable transportation, information and electronics, safety and protection, environment and energy, and healthcare. Its main fields of operation are high-performance fibers such as aramid, carbon fibers & composites, healthcare, films, resin & plastic processing, polyester fibers, products converting and IT.

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