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Teijin Introduces Twaron® 550f1000

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-01-31 14:50:38  来源:textileworld 收藏
The Netherlands-based Teijin Aramid BV — manufacturer of aramids including Twaron® Sulfron®, Teijinconex® and Technora®; and a subsidiary of the Tokyo-based Teijin Group — has launched a new higher-performing lightweight aramid yarn that offers improved ballistic protection in body armor for police, military and law enforcement officers.

According to Teijin, Twaron 550f1000 is the finest filament aramid-based yarn in the world. It comprises 1,000 filaments, offering significantly better performance than comparable yarns; and has the highest tenacity combined with breaking strength of all the yarns in Teijin Aramid's porfolio. Twaron 550f1000 offers improved resistance in exposure to the blast effects of roadside bombs, good fragment resistance, and enhanced bullet protection.

The yarn will be used primarily in soft anti-ballistic products for the police, military and law enforcement markets; but may also be used in a woven fabric for anti-ballistic and anti-stab products.

"This new yarn is our response to the demand for lightweight ballistic protection, which itself is the result of the increasing threat of violence in society," said Karl Henke, business manager, Ballistic, Teijin Aramid. "Police officers, soldiers and even private citizens who require protection will start wearing a bulletproof vest earlier when the weight and comfort is even better than nowadays."
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