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ITMA ASIA + CITME stages its largest exhibition with unprecedented participation from leading textile machinery makers (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-19 09:09:39  来源:CTEI 收藏

Third edition remains unrivalled business platform in China for the industry

12 June 2012, Shanghai – The third ITMA ASIA + CITME combined exhibition opens today at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). The show has drawn overwhelming response as textile machinery makers continue to leverage on the established branding of ITMA ASIA and CITME to market their latest textile machinery and related technology.

A total of 1,283 exhibitors from 28 countries and economies are participating at the combined show. The exhibition occupies 132,250 square metres of exhibition space - 30 per cent larger than the last edition; it is the biggest showing since the first edition.

The five-day show is owned by CEMATEX, together with its Chinese partners – the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT (CCPIT-Tex), China Textile Machinery Association (CTMA) and China International Exhibition Centre Group Corporation (CIEC).

Mr Stephen Combes, President of CEMATEX, said: “The opportunities presented by China’s huge market remain an attraction for machinery manufacturers. We are glad to see many leading textile manufacturers gathered at the show with a wide range of textile machinery and solutions. Through the enthusiastic participation by our members and other exhibitors, we are heartened that ITMA ASIA + CITME remains an important and effective platform for them to reach out to the vibrant Asian market, especially the enormous Chinese marketplace.”

Mr Wang Shutian, President of CTMA, added: “The combined show has been highly recognised by leading textile makers as it offers them a cost-effective showcase for their products and services in Asia. We are confident that the exhibition will create enhanced and new business opportunities for both Chinese and international textile and textile machinery manufacturers.”

Following the tradition of ITMA and ITMA ASIA exhibitions, only manufacturers of textile machinery and accessories are qualified to take part in the combined show, and exhibitors must display original equipment on their stand, creating added interest for visitors.

Chinese exhibitors take up more than 60% of the net exhibition space. This is followed by Germany (9%), Italy (7%), Japan (5%) and Switzerland (4.5%).

Sector-wise, spinning machinery forms the largest sector, occupying 35% of the net exhibition space. The second largest product sector is dyeing/printing/finishing (19%), followed by knitting (18%) and weaving (17%).

ITMA ASIA + CITME 2012 is organised by Beijing Textile Machinery International Exhibition Co Ltd and co-organised by MP International Pte Ltd. The Japan Textile Machinery Association (JTMA) is a special partner association of the show.

The exhibition ends on 16 June 2012. Opening hours are from 0900 hours to 1800 hours. Visitors can purchase their badges onsite at the registration areas. Onsite rates are 50 yuan for a one-day badge and 100 yuan for a five-day badge. For more information on ITMA ASIA + CITME 2012, please visit www.itmaasia.com or www.citme.com.cn.

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文章关键词: ITMA ASIA  CITME  largest exhibition  textile machinery 


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