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ITMA ASIA + CITME 2012 launched successfully (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-19 09:12:03  来源:CTEI 收藏

June 12 ~16, the “ITMA ASIA+CITME2012” will be opened in Shanghai. As the world’s most important textile machinery show, ITMA ASIA + CITME, is not only open up trade platform for domestic and overseas markets, converge on the downstream industry chain and the bond of domestic and international supply chain, it is also a window show the technological innovation and brand building of textile machinery industry, from about 30 countries and regions, nearly 1300 textile enterprises come for aggregation, with a large number of new products, new technologies, new trend from home and abroad.

According to statistics, in 2011 global textile market, the total annual sales remained at the level of $ 22 billion, China’s textile machinery market capacity is approximately $ 13.5 billion, accounting for more than 60% global market share, the proportion of this year’s ITMA ASIA+ CITME is consistent with the proportion of domestic and foreign exhibitors: the exhibition attracted exhibitors from nearly 30 countries and regions around the world, domestic exhibitors are more than 700, overseas exhibitors are more than 500, so the domestic and foreign exhibitors ratio is 3:2 - this is not a coincidence, but rather the ITMA ASIA + CITME has become the benchmark of the perceived changes effectively in the global textile market.

At present, the global textile industry has entered a new stage of development with diversified market-oriented, and diversified operation-oriented. The textile machinery market demand structure is still inclined to textile machinery products with high technical content, high production efficiency and strong product reliability. Textile machinery industry will show the trends of series, intensification and specialization, the growth pattern of the textile enterprises also will pay more attention to the transition from quantity expansion to technological innovation type. In equipment technology, this year’s event there will be many new highlights, green, smart and sustainable development will always be the main trend for textile machinery technology.

At present, in the technical level, China’s textile machinery industry’s performance in all aspects of the industry chain is not the same compared with advanced countries in the world. For spinning equipments, including the blowing-carding, combing machines, equipment and technology already has in today’s world level, but in the air spinning and vortex spinning technology, there is still a considerable gap. For weaving equipments, warp and knitting machines in knit field are developing faster, has been close to today’s world level. Shuttle-less looms on the technical level there are still gaps, reflected in the reliability and stability. For chemical fiber equipment, China’s polyester filament yarn and equipment close to the world advanced level, but still there is still gaps for certain kinds with international standards.

Overall, domestic and foreign technologies are with their own merits. The priority for China textile machinery manufacturing enterprises, is the effective combination of mechanical design capabilities, automatic control capabilities with the textile technology to promote technological progress.

Minister of the China National Textile and Apparel Council, Wang Tiankai:

The “ITMA ASIA+CITME2012” has many years of accumulation, is a sign of the industry exhibition, it should be a event which attracted more concern in the field of global textile machinery. Domestic and foreign textile enterprises have been attaching great importance to this exhibition and taking it as a very important and effective business marketing and promotion opportunity, which show long-term accumulation of the brand release effect and business opportunities.

The ITMA ASIA + CITME in the textile sector can be called the largest competition, exhibition, promotion platform with large amount of information, business opportunities and exhibiting companies.

Adminstrative vice minister of the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Xu Yingxin:

The exhibition gathered the first-class technology the industry needed for development. Exhibits cover all areas of the textile industry production equipment and technology, while exhibitors involve most of the well-known domestic and foreign manufacturers, they will show their latest products and technologies.

These technologies will undoubtedly provide important support to the development of the global textile industry.

Vice minister of China National Textile and Apparel Council, Gao Yong:

The attention from the global textile industry on this exhibition is also higher than in the past, shows that the demand from industry and technological progress is increasing. After years of development, the exhibition has become Asia’s largest exhibition and aroused the concern of many countries. A large number of buyers and professional visitors from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Turkey and other countries will visit the exhibition. The rapid development of these emerging markets, they might urgently need to import large number of textile equipment, which makes the show more attractive.

Minister of China Textile Machinery Association, Wang Shutian:

The release of the “12th Five-Year Plan” of textile industry not only defined the direction of industrial development but also to guide the future development of enterprises. The exhibition exhibits show the automated, continuous, intelligent, digital features. The equipment and technology is bound to t provide important support and help to the textile enterprises which facing problems like green production, reduce labor, improve efficiency.

President of the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers, Stephen R. Combes:

Environmental protection, rising labor costs and other issues currently drew wide concern from the majority of textile enterprises. In order to ease the cost pressures to achieve sustainable development, textile enterprises have no choice but to adopt a more green, automatic and cost-effective equipment to ensure the survival and development of the enterprises. Those equipments may help to reduce labor and improve production efficiency will present a growing trend.

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