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INVISTA's first investment in textile research in China (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-07-30 09:32:30  来源:INVISTA 收藏
INVISTA announced the opening of its first textile research center in Mainland China, demonstrating its continued commitment to developing high-value, innovative technologies and products. The $7.3 million, 3,000 sqm center is the company's first investment in textile research at such scale in Mainland, China, and the fourth facility of its kind to be established by INVISTA anywhere in the world. The other three existing facilities are located in the United States, Italy and Taiwan.

The China Textile Research Center (CTRC), built on the same site as INVISTA's existing spandex plant in  Qingpu, a district of Shanghai, will speed the development and application of new fabrics, reducing time-to-market and enhancing customers' competitive edge. Its proximity to both manufacturing operations and customers will contribute to cost savings in customers' own research and development, helping boost their confidence in developing and using new, locally developed fabrics.

 "At INVISTA, our vision for the Apparel business is to create value through differentiation in areas such as products, operations and services, to help local customers give their products the edge they need to succeed in this highly competitive market," said Dan Kotkin, executive vice president, Eastern Region, INVISTA Apparel. "Building this research center, our fourth in the world, is a milestone in our strategic focus on China. We hope to help accelerate development and innovation in the Apparel and textile industry in China."

Focusing on the application and commercialization of new fibers, fabrics and garment innovations, the center will offer comprehensive and innovative solutions to customers for almost every major aspect of the production process, including raw material sourcing, yarn processing, knitting, dyeing and finishing.

The CTRC will also have full testing capabilities, ranging from yarn/fabric physical property testing to mock dyeing and finishing performance evaluation. Experienced professionals and technical experts specializing in different textile industry segments will provide unparalleled service and support.

"With this new center, we've expanded our global innovation footprint in one of the world's most dynamic and fastest growing markets—China," said Dr. Eric Chang, technology director for the Eastern Region of INVISTA's Apparel business. "It showcases our commitment to working closely with our local customers and helping them deliver industry-leading innovations to every market—nationally, regionally and globally."

INVISTA is one of the world's largest producers of nylon and spandex. Its innovations in the nylon, spandex, polyester and specialty materials industries play an integral part in items that touch people's lives every day.

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