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Fashion brand Prada opens first store in Taiyuan, China (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-08-07 09:29:27  来源:Prada 收藏
Prada opens its first store in Taiyuan, China, in the Tianmei Plaza mall. The store, designed by architect Roberto Baciocchi, occupies a surface of about 750 square metres on a single level, and it carries the men's and women's ready-to-wear, bags, accessories and footwear collections.

The outer 55-metres long storefront is especially impressive, with a black granite pedestal at the base with wide light boxes inserted into it. Above it, a structure featuring alternating blades finished in gold and polished steel creates a peculiar kinetic effect, both in daylight and at night-time.

Inside the mall, the storefront features elegant façades, made in precious black marble, alternating with entrances, windows and light boxes.

The store is designed as a succession of rooms with different atmospheres that display the distinctive elements of Prada's brand identity worldwide: pastel green fabric walls and black and white marble chequered floors. In the women's area, the display niches inset in the walls are embellished with polished steel profiles and cera-coloured saffiano leather shelves. The ready-to-wear area features a sophisticated and elegant image: wide niches with backdrops in stiff green fabric curtains accommodate display fixtures in plexiglass and polished steel.

The men's area, with furniture characterised by ebony wood and polished steel profiles, is embellished by castorino-coloured velvet sofas and counters in black saffiano leather and crystal.

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