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Thies to present iMaster H2O at ITMA Asia + CITME

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-03-13 09:51:12  来源:Thies GmbH & Co KG 收藏

Continuing its theme‘Go green with Thies’, the German textile machinery manufacturer, Thies GmbH & Co KG, will exhibit its recently introduced rope dyeing machine iMaster H2O; offering a significant reduction of water consumption, chemicals, dyestuff and energy.

Thies GmbH & Co KG will exhibit its recently introduced rope dyeing machine iMaster H2O at ITMA ASIA + Citme 2012 in Hall E1, Booth C01; continuing the theme‘Go green with Thies’to highlight the latest environmental and economic studies and conservation of resources.

The iMaster H2O features a completely new design of rope dyeing for the processing of knit and woven goods.

By installing the transport winch inside the kier, cotton, synthetic fibres and their blends, including articles with a high elastane content are processed with significantly reduced elongation, resulting in fabrics of improved stability and surface appearance while offering increased flexibility in the processing of a wide range of products.

An additional focus has been on the significant reduction of water consumption together with a decrease in the consumption of chemicals, dyestuff and energy. In practise it is possible using conventional techniques, without the need for air technology, to work comfortably with a liquor ratio of 1:4.

Complex rinsing systems combined with‘intelligent functions’for the pre and post treatment of the fabric help to further reduce the total water and energy treatment.

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文章关键词: ITMA Asia  CITME  Thies  iMaster H2O  dyeing machine 


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