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German Monforts to present MXL process at ITMA ASIA

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-03-16 09:04:01  来源:Monforts 收藏

Monforts will highlight its MXL (moist cross linking) process to ensure non-iron and laundry fresh properties in association with the Thermex 8000 continuous dyeing unit at ITMA ASIA +CITME 2012 in China.

Monforts will exhibit its MXL (moist cross linking) process in association with the new Thermex 8000 continuous dyeing unit at the ITMA ASIA + CITME 2012 exhibition at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, June 12–16, on Booth B01, Hall E1.

The process, developed by Ciba Speciality Chemicals together with Monforts, allows non–iron and laundry - fresh properties to be achieved on cotton materials with the shortest treatment times.

The new process, developed on the Monforts MXL range, ensures processing times are reduced from more than 20 hours to just 3 minutes. It also offers greater flexibility and high process safety than conventional systems.

The Thermex Hotflue chamber, making its international debut in the MXL mode of operation, is manufactured in stainless steel to withstand the process acidity.

Monforts will also demonstrate the latest software in process control technology to ensure economic and ecological solutions.

References for technical textile applications will also be displayed. Further, Monforts technologists will be on-hand to offer advice for’classical’textile and technical textile processing techniques.

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文章关键词: German Monforts  MXL process  ITMA ASIA 


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