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China's PPI up 4.3% in August
2010-09-14 08:09
China's August new lending expands to 545.2b yuan
2010-09-14 08:09
China's August CPI rises 3.5%
2010-09-14 08:09
Exports of wool oddments to China at stake
2010-09-14 08:09
Performance Fibers to expand in China
2010-09-14 08:09
Advisory Committee of the EU Anti-dumping Approves Provisional Anti-dumping Measures on China's Glass Fiber
2010-09-13 08:09
China Targets Seven Strategic Industries for Growth
2010-09-13 08:09
China vows better environment for foreign firms
2010-09-13 08:09
China moves up the global ladder
2010-09-13 08:09
China's August exports up 34.4%, imports rise 35.2%
2010-09-10 11:09
China's top 100 retailers estimated to have cut 1.63 mln tonnes of carbon emission in 2009
2010-09-10 10:09
Post expansion, Petro Rabigh to eye India & China
2010-09-10 10:09
Petro Rabigh to focus on fast-growing markets of China, India
2010-09-09 09:09
Esprit targets double turnover in China(Hong Kong)
2010-09-09 09:09
China Cotton Production, Quality May Decline in China, Boosting Imports, Prices
2010-09-09 08:09
China Textile City Fabrics Sourcing Center Branch Open in Italy
2010-09-08 09:09
China unveils plans to encourage industrial relocations
2010-09-07 16:09
Viscose Fiber Output of China in Jan-Jul 2010 by Province
2010-09-07 10:09
2010/11 China Cotton Linter Supply Estimation
2010-09-07 10:09
China Polyester Market Snapshot (Sep 2, 2010)
2010-09-06 09:09
Key Index Indicates Rebound of China's Economy
2010-09-02 15:09
China's PMI of manufacturing sector rises to 51.7% in Aug
2010-09-01 10:09
China, US highlight close economic ties
2010-09-01 10:09
China to Fine-tune Export Policy Settings in the Second Half
2010-08-26 14:08
Itochu to expand investment in food, textile sectors in China
2010-08-25 15:08
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