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Cotton futures
China Cotton Daily Price (15 Dec 2010)
2010-12-16 10:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (15 Dec 2010)
2010-12-16 10:12
Cotton Futures Drives up Spot Market Sentiment
2010-12-16 09:12
ICE Cotton Futures Extends Rally on Global Supply Concern
2010-12-16 08:12
ICE Cotton Surges on US Output Data, China Interest Rate Decision
2010-12-15 11:12
NYMEX Cotton Futures Price (13 Dec 2010)
2010-12-15 09:12
China Cotton Daily Price (14 Dec 2010)
2010-12-15 09:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (14 Dec 2010)
2010-12-15 09:12
NYMEX Cotton Futures Price (10 Dec 2010)
2010-12-14 08:12
China Cotton Daily Price (13 Dec 2010)
2010-12-14 08:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (13 Dec 2010)
2010-12-14 08:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (10 Dec 2010)
2010-12-13 08:12
ICE Cotton Futures Advances on Bets Chinese Demand to Remain Robust
2010-12-10 09:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (9 Dec 2010)
2010-12-10 08:12
ICE Cotton Futures Fall for the Second Day
2010-12-09 09:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (8 Dec 2010)
2010-12-09 08:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (7 Dec 2010)
2010-12-08 08:12
ICE Cotton Drops after Last Week's Gains, as China Demand Slows
2010-12-07 10:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (6 Dec 2010)
2010-12-07 08:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (3 Dec 2010)
2010-12-06 08:12
ICE Cotton Jumps as Mounting Demand Tops Supplies
2010-12-03 08:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (2 Dec 2010)
2010-12-03 08:12
CZCE Cotton Futures Price (1 Dec 2010)
2010-12-02 10:12
ICE Cotton Rises on India Export Concerns
2010-12-02 09:12
China Cotton Market - Prices Continue Dipping
2010-12-02 08:12
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